At Noble Live-in Care, we know that you are not your ailments, physical needs or mental capacity. Instead, we see you as a person who wants to enjoy what your life has to offer. We understand that you may want help along the way, not someone to take over, but someone to support your desire to remain at home, in control and leading a fulfilling life. So while the care that we provide is second to none, we take our high standards and our team’s 25 years of experience as being the starting point of our service and not the conclusion.
Our mission is to enable our clients to live independent lives in the comfort of their own home while providing peace of mind to their families.
The qualities that we look for in a potential care companion include:
Being a good listener with an interest in people
Having empathy and a caring nature
Being flexible and self-motivated
Having dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile
A sensible outlook with a sense of humour
A rounded knowledge of care best practises
Although it may not seem the most important aspect initially, in our experience true companionship becomes one of the greatest benefits to engaging a live-in service and a significant level of wellbeing is attained by building understanding, familiarity and continuity.